- Supporting the English speaking community of all nationalities in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Providing a place where Christian people that are in the Bangna area can find Christian fellowship, encouragement, participate in corporate worship and be involved in Christian service with the body of Christ.
- Encouraging children and youth to be participants in all parts of the life of the church. The church will consider age appropriate activities in meeting the activities express in the BCF mission.
- Desiring long term growth to take place through "conversion growth." As Jesus' ambassadors we desire to seek and save the lost. God adds to the membership of the church, not men. (Acts 2:47; 1 Corinthians 12:18)
- Emphasizing prayer, preaching and teaching of God’s word, worship through music and giving during our times together.
- Providing small group experiences so that people can develop a relationship with each other through individual care and fellowship that each person needs.
- Fellowshipping and worshiping with Christians from diverse traditions. There is room for differences of opinion in BCF. Perfect agreement on minute details of doctrine and practice is not required.
- Striving for unity we want to concentrate our focus on the major subjects of the Christian faith rather than getting bogged down in minor issues. We want to focus our, energy, money and creativity on these major matters of the Christian faith. (II Timothy 2:23-24).
- Seeking to support and enlarge the entire Kingdom of God. (John 18:36)
- Investing in people is more important than investing in buildings. People are the real Church. (Luke 12:16-21; Mark 6:34)
- Providing for BCF's vision and mission takes more than just time. It also requires financial resources.
- Teaching the value of giving and stewardship as spelled out in God's word for individuals as well as for BCF
- Accountability of BCF to the congregation for the handling of all God given resources.
- Using relevant methods that do not compromise the truth of the Gospel to communicate and demonstrate the Good News of Jesus. We believe in bold action when trying new endeavors in ministry.